Suomalaisia podcasteja

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HEL of a business!

HEL of a business! is a podcast about technology, better business and good life. The background for the discussions between the host Sonja Malin, Senior Business Advisor, and her guests is Helsinki. The first season examines smart cities: how do create them and live in them? And why should anyone conduct a pilot in Helsinki? The second season features tech experts from the 90 Day Finn programme that invited 14 participants from among 5000 applicants to experience the Helsinki lifestyle for three months. HEL of a business! shares the quickest experiments, stories of discovery and freshest viewpoints. Try this at home!

Seuraa podcastia: RSS-syötteenä, Apple-podcasteissa. (ohjeet)


Yhteensä 10 jaksoa, joista ensimmäinen julkaistu 11.6.2020.

Sameer Narula: From an idea to a business

Julkaistu 23.12.2021

“Passion is within us. It’s just that you have to direct it towards things that matter to you.” Sameer Narula’s work involves unlocking people’s potential. A world-traveller, he’s arrived in Helsinki to join the 90 Day Finn programme to find new opportunities for business development. With the host Sonja Malin, Sameer discusses dynamic product development, the essence of entrepreneurship, living in the now, and his warm connections to Finland.

Fernando Ferrer: Digital nomadism and talent attraction

Julkaistu 23.12.2021

“I truly only need a computer and an internet connection to work. That’s been the goal for me.” Fernando Ferrer, a lover of programming and travel, migrated from Venezuela first to Canada. Now, he’s in Helsinki as a participant in the 90 Day Finn programme. In this episode, he shares his opinion about the global movement of labour and how countries and companies can attract digital nomads.

Sophie Winwood: Startups seen from the perspective of a female investor

Julkaistu 23.12.2021

“If we can start now having a more diverse set of founders, then we can really fundamentally change what the future looks like.” Sophie Winwood is an investor from London who joined the 90 Day Finn programme to expand her network to the Nordic countries. Now she shares her insight on female role models, recognising the ideal investor–startup match, and the running trails of Helsinki.

Jeff Valk: Improving healthcare with automation

Julkaistu 23.12.2021

“We like to say we’re hacking human metabolism,” says Jeff Valk, who’s looking to revolutionize critical patient care with automation. How can it be that production facilities are filled with the latest technology but hospitals still rely on slow, manual, repetitive work? Jeff shares his perspective on healthtech, sushi buffets, and the 90 Day Finn programme that brought him to live and work in Helsinki.

Kevin Dalias: Business follows the availability of talent

Julkaistu 23.12.2021

“The startup scene here is fascinating because it’s so modest.” Kevin Dalias, a founder from California, decided it’s time to experience remote working to its true potential and relocated to Helsinki to join the 90 Day Finn programme. With the host Sonja Malin, he discusses modesty, data-focused startups, what attracts talent to certain locations, and his secret past in the music industry!

How a smart city boosts sustainable business?

Julkaistu 7.8.2020

How does the Greater Helsinki startup-scene differ from the startup hubs in other parts of the world? Can an investor have a bigger agenda behind their actions? Sonja Malin’s guest in this episode is Tomosaku Sohara, Managing Partner at Nordic Ninja.

Does a smart city attract smart citizens?

Julkaistu 23.7.2020

Mobility is a central need, but more and more, being on the move causes great stress. How can we reduce that stress in the city? And how can we make sure that smart city solutions really benefit everyone? Sonja Malin is joined in the studio by Krista Huhtala-Jenks, Head of Ecosystem & Sustainability at MaaS Global.

Is a smart city a happy city?

Julkaistu 10.7.2020

The city of Helsinki has the vision of becoming the most functional city in the world. In a nutshell, it means that things should just work. Let’s say we reach that goal. Will it also result in a happy city? Does functionality equal happiness? In this episode doctor Sami Kazi from VTT shares his views.

Try this at home: sharing best practises of agile piloting

Julkaistu 26.6.2020

Greater Helsinki is small enough, yet big enough to pilot, and then scale up solutions. So if a solution works here, it’ll work everywhere. What are the best methods to engage the community in new projects? Everybody talks a big game about participatory design, but how do you actually pull it off? Teemu Lehtinen, CEO of KIRAHub shares his views in this episode.

Does the revolution of food production start from a smart city?

Julkaistu 11.6.2020

Fresh vegetables grown with the help of self-learning artificial intelligence in vertical, urban farms. Sounds futuristic, but is it? In the first episode of HEL of a business -podcast Sonja Malin is joined in the studio by Kirill Zelenski, the CEO of iFarm Finland. When it comes to eco-friendly solutions in the city: Are people and industries really committed to change?

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