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Nordea Markets Insights FI

Nordea Marketsin podcastit tarjoavat uusia näkemyksiä, katsauksia markkinatalouteen ja pinnalla oleviin trendeihin, sekä finanssimaailman oppeja ja oivalluksia. Podcasteja juontavat Nordea Marketsin asiantuntijat yhdessä mielenkiintoisten vieraiden kanssa. 405718

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Yhteensä 201 jaksoa, joista ensimmäinen julkaistu 30.3.2016.

Hytinää vai hellettä – Nordea Marketsin kesäpodi

Julkaistu 19.6.2024

Mitä kevään talouskehityksestä jäi mieleen ja mitä yllätyksiä kesä voi tuoda tullessaan? Keskustelemassa Nordean Research-tiimi. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Asuntomarkkinan korkoralli vai pitkä piina?

Julkaistu 5.6.2024

Ovatko asunnot nyt halpoja vai kalliita? Joko käänne kolkuttelee kulman takana, kun EKP ryhtyy laskemaan korkoja? Mistä asuntojen ylitarjonta kumpuaa? Näitä kysymyksiä pohtivat ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen, Nordean Kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala ja analyytikko Rono Nihtinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Riskejä riittää

Julkaistu 23.5.2024

Markkinoilla maailmantalouden näkymät hinnoitellaan tällä hetkellä melko positiivisessa valossa. Riskejä kuitenkin riittää niin ylä- kuin alasuuntaankin kiinteistösektorista Kiinaan ja inflaatiosta geopolitiikkaan. Maailman ja Suomen kasvuriskejä sekä mahdollisuuksia pohtimassa pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu, ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Mitä kuuluu Kiinalle?

Julkaistu 8.5.2024

Kiina-riskeistä on puhuttu vähemmän viime aikoina, mutta haasteita on edelleen paljon. Juankin on ollut taas heikkenemispaineessa. Miltä Kiinan lyhyemmän ja pidemmän aikavälin tulevaisuus näyttää? Podistudiossa pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu, ekonomisti Kristian Nummelin ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Ennusteen jälkilöylyt

Julkaistu 26.4.2024

Nordea julkaisi juuri uuden talousennusteen, jossa maailmantalouden yleiskuva on pykälän talviennustetta pirteämpi. Euroalueella koronlaskujen odotetaan olevan nurkan takana, kun taas Yhdysvaltojen talouskehitykseen sisältyy epävarmuutta suuntaan jos toiseen. Tuoreen maailmantalouden ennusteen pääkohtia kertaamassa ja vastaamattomia webinaari-kysymyksiä puimassa ekonomistit Tuuli Koivu ja Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Vihreää siirtymää tutkailemassa

Julkaistu 12.4.2024

Miten vihreä siirtymä etenee Suomessa ja onko investointihalukkuutta riittävästi? Miltä yrityksien päästövähennykset näyttävät, ja toisaalta mikä on rahoitusmarkkinoiden rooli vihreässä siirtymässä? Aiheesta keskustelemassa kestävän rahoituksen asiantuntija Juho Maalahti sekä ekonomistit Juho Kostiainen ja Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Katseet koronlaskuja kauemmas

Julkaistu 25.3.2024

Keskuspankit liikkuvat kohti koronlaskuja, mutta kuinka paljon korkoja tarvitsee edes laskea ja minkälaista korkotasoa on lupa odottaa pidemmällä aikavälillä? Mukana keskustelemassa Juha Vainikainen, Jan von Gerich ja Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Asuntomarkkinoilla jäitä poltellessa

Julkaistu 15.3.2024

Asuntomarkkinoilla alkuvuosi on ollut vielä hiljainen. Mitkä tekijät jarruttavat asunnon ostoa ja miltä näyttää asuntojen hintakehitys? Miksi uudiskohteet eivät käy kaupaksi? Korkojen nousu on näkynyt etenkin lapsiperheiden kulujen kasvua. Mitä se on tarkoittanut perheasuntojen markkinoilla? Lopuksi perehdytään maahanmuuton asuntomarkkinavaikutuksiin. Näistä aiheista juttelemassa Nordea Kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala ja ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Sumuinen suhdanne

Julkaistu 1.3.2024

Keskuspankkien viesti on vihdoin uponnut markkinoilla ja korot ovat korjanneet korkeammalle. Paljon on silti avoimia kysymyksiä – helpottavatko hintapaineet, kuihtuuko kasvu? Millainen koronlaskusykli on lopulta näkyvissä? Taloutta ja markkinoita tulkitsemassa pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich, ekonomisti Kristian Nummelin ja analyytikko Olli Malinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Suomen talous taantumassa

Julkaistu 16.2.2024

Suomen talous vajosi taantumaan viime vuoden lopulla. Millaiset ovat Suomen lyhyen ja pidemmän aikavälin kasvunäkymät? Näkyykö asuntomarkkinoilla jo valoa tunnelin päässä? Tuntuvatko lakot Suomen talouskasvussa? Suomen talouden kuvaa maalaamassa Juho Kostiainen ja Olli Malinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Koska korot laskevat?

Julkaistu 2.2.2024

Inflaatio jatkaa hidastumistaan sekä euroalueella että USA:ssa, mutta talouskasvunäkymät eroavat voimakkaasti. Euroopan talous polkee paikallaan, kun USA:n talous porskuttaa eteenpäin osittain elvytyksen vetämänä – ja samaan keinoon on tartuttu nyt myös Kiinassa. Spekulaatiot keskuspankkien korkojen laskun ajankohdasta käyvät kuumina, mutta voiko laskujen osalta tulla vielä mutkia matkaan? Muun muassa näistä aiheista keskustelemassa Tuuli Koivu, Jan von Gerich ja Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Geopolitiikkaa ja koheltavia korkoja

Julkaistu 19.1.2024

Markkinoiden pikaiset koronlaskuodotukset ovat ottaneet osumaa viime aikoina. Keskuspankit ovat yrittäneet vakuutella, ettei koronlaskujen aika ole vielä, kun taas geopoliittiset jännitteet ovat lisänneet yläsuuntaisia inflaatioriskejä. Näitä teemoja pohtivat ekonomisti Kristian Nummelin, pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja analyytikko Olli Malinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Joulupodi kääntää katseet vuoteen 2024

Julkaistu 15.12.2023

Kuluneena vuonna käänteitä riitti niin taloudessa kuin rahoitusmarkkinoillakin. Mikä käänteistä jäi parhaiten mieleen ja mitkä ovat vuoden 2024 puheenaiheet markkinoilla? Muun muassa näitä aiheita pohtii Nordea Marketsin tutkimusporukka. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kuulumisia Kiinasta

Julkaistu 1.12.2023

Ekonomistit Tuuli Koivu ja Juho Kostiainen keskustelevat Tuulin tunnelmista Kiinan matkan jälkeen ja käyvät lyhyesti läpi tuoreita talouslukuja myös Suomesta ja euroalueelta. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Suomen synkkenevät talousnäkymät

Julkaistu 15.11.2023

Suomen talous supistui syksyllä ja lähiajan näkymät ovat heikot sekä teollisuudessa että rakentamisessa. Inflaation hidastuminen ja odotukset koronlaskuista tuovat valoa, mutta jaksaako talous piristyä jo ensi vuonna? Keskustelemassa ekonomistit Juho Kostiainen ja Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kääntyviä korkoja ja kärsiviä kiinteistömarkkinoita

Julkaistu 3.11.2023

Keskuspankkien viesti alkaa olla linjassa sen kanssa, että koronnostot on vähitellen nähty. Onko pahin jo takana Suomen asuntomarkkinoilla, ja mitkä ovat edellytykset talouden toipumiselle? Näistä aiheista keskustelemassa ekonomistit Juho Kostiainen ja Kristian Nummelin sekä pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Pohjoismaat pinteessä?

Julkaistu 20.10.2023

Hintojen nousu ja korkeat korot painavat talousnäkymiä globaalisti. Miten pohjoismaiden taloudet ovat pärjänneet muuttuvassa ympäristössä? Millaiset ovat skandivaluuttojen näkymät? Miten kulutus Suomessa pärjää muihin pohjoismaihin verrattuna? Aiheista ovat keskustelemassa ekonomisti Kristian Nummelin ja analyytikko Olli Malinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Asuntomarkkinoiden syyssää

Julkaistu 5.10.2023

Asuntomarkkinoilla on nähty vuoden verran laskevia hintoja ja pieniä kauppamääriä. Onko asuntohintojen lasku jo lähenemässä loppuaan? Mitä suomalaiset ajattelevat tulevasta korkotasosta? Myös taloyhtiöiden tilanne keskusteluttaa. Näistä aiheista ovat keskustelemassa ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen ja Nordean Kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kaikkivaltiaat keskuspankit komentavat

Julkaistu 22.9.2023

Viimeinen viikko on ollut täynnä keskuspankkikokouksia, ja mukaan on mahtunut myös monia yllätyksiä. Mitä suurten keskuspankkien viimeisimmistä päätöksistä voi päätellä? Ovatko paljon puhutut korkohuiput nyt vihdoin käsillä? Korkonäkymiä pohtimassa pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Huiput hakusessa

Julkaistu 8.9.2023

Vieläkö korot kiipeävät, vai onko huiput jo nähty? Miten EKP navigoi heikentyvän talouskuvan ja sitkeän inflaation keskellä? Miltä näyttää valuuttamarkkinoilla? Dominoiko dollari vielä? Näitäkin kysymyksiä pohtimassa ekonomistit Juho Kostiainen ja Kristian Nummelin sekä pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Mihin Suomen talous suuntaa?

Julkaistu 25.8.2023

Suomen talouskasvu on yllättänyt positiivisesti alkuvuonna, mutta pystyykö palvelusektori kannattelemaan taloutta jatkossa, kun rakentaminen ja vientikysyntä hiipuvat? Miten suomalaiset ovat kuluttaneet kesällä? Miten käy työllisyyden kasvun hidastuessa? Lopuksi vielä katsaus vihreän siirtymän investointinäkymiin. Näistä aiheista keskustelemassa ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen ja analyytikko Olli Malinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kesää paketoimassa

Julkaistu 11.8.2023

Keskuspankit jatkoivat kesällä koronnostojaan, mutta ovatko koronnostot jo ohi? Miltä Suomen ja maailman taloustilanne näyttää kesän jälkeen ja missä tunnelmissa suunnataan syksyyn? Kesän antia perkaamassa Nordean ekonomistit Tuuli Koivu, Juho Kostiainen, Kristian Nummelin sekä analyytikko Olli Malinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Nordea Marketsin kuuma kesäpodi

Julkaistu 21.6.2023

Mitä jäi mieleen keväästä ja mitkä ovat odotukset syksylle? Kuinka kuumina työmarkkinat ja inflaatio käyvät? Keskustelemassa Nordean tutkimustiimi. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Asuntomarkkinakäännettä odotellessa

Julkaistu 9.6.2023

Asuntomarkkinoilla on ollut hiljainen alkuvuosi. Myyntiaikoja on kasvattanut vähäisen kysynnän lisäksi asuntokauppojen ketjuuntuminen. Asuntokaupan odotetaan piristyvän loppuvuotta kohden, kun korkojen nousun ja reaaliansioiden laskun odotetaan taittuvan. Runsas rakentaminen kasvattaa asuntotarjontaa vielä tänä vuonna pitäen hintakehityksen maltillisena, vaikka suurimman tiputuksen ennakoidaan olevan jo takanapäin. Asuntovelalliset selviävät lainoistaan edelleen hyvin korkeamman korkotason oloissa. Markkinamyllerrys luo myös mahdollisuuksia. Kenellä on nyt asuntomarkkinoiden valtit käsissään? Näistä aiheista ovat keskustelemassa Nordean Kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala sekä ekonomistit Kristian Nummelin ja Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Viheliäinen velkakattovääntö

Julkaistu 26.5.2023

Yhdysvalloissa käydään taas kovaa vääntöä maan velkakaton nostamisesta. Kaiken järjen mukaan kattoa pitäisi nostaa ennen liittovaltion kassan tyhjenemistä, mutta riskit väännön pidentymisestä ovat todelliset. USA:n valtion maksuhäiriöllä olisi valtaisia vaikutuksia myös markkina- ja talousnäkymille. Velkakatto-ongelmasta keskustelemassa pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Taipuuko inflaatio vai katkeaako kasvu?

Julkaistu 11.5.2023

Talouskeskustelua hallitsee edelleen korkopolitiikan tasapainottelu inflaation ja talouskasvun välillä. Riskinä on, että korkoja nostetaan liikaa, kun inflaatioennusteisiin ei voida luottaa. Suomessa puhututtavat loppuvuoden heikot talousnäkymät, kun korkojen nousu syö kuluttajien ostovoimaa, hidastaa rakentamista ja näkyy myös investointitavaravetoisessa viennissä. Myös hallitusneuvotteluiden sopeutus- ja työllisyystoimet ovat vahvasti talouskeskustelun agendalla. Muun muassa näihin aiheisiin paneutuvat pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Suomen suunta?

Julkaistu 28.4.2023

Suomen talouskehitys on yllättänyt positiivisesti alkuvuonna, mutta näkymät loppuvuodelle ovat edelleen vaisut. Miten kuluttajat ovat pärjänneet nousevien hintojen ja korkojen ristipaineessa? Miltä näyttää teollisuuden tilanne? Onko riskinä, että tuleva hallitus sopeuttaa liikaa? Muun muassa näistä aiheista ovat keskustelemassa pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Itsepäinen inflaatio

Julkaistu 14.4.2023

Inflaatiohuiput ovat jääneet taakse, mutta laajemmat hintapaineet eivät ole laantuneet. Miltä inflaatiokuva näyttää Yhdysvalloissa ja euroalueella? Miten keskuspankit tasapainottelevat inflaatio- ja kasvuriskien keskellä. Ja miten talous kestää nousevat korot? Näitä kysymyksiä pohtimassa ekonomisti Kristian Nummelin, pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kiina kiihdyttää

Julkaistu 31.3.2023

Kiinan kasvu on tänä vuonna vauhdikasta kulutuksen elpyessä koronatoimien jälkeen. Samaan aikaan talouteen kumpuaa kuitenkin epävarmuutta presidentti Xin puheista. Kiinan näkymiä analysoivat Nordean ekonomistit Tuuli Koivu ja Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Korkojen hurjat heilahdukset

Julkaistu 17.3.2023

Yhdysvalloista lähteneet pankkihuolet ovat laittaneet korkomarkkinatkin täysin sekaisin. Esimerkiksi lyhyissä valtionlainakoroissa on nähty suurempia liikkeitä kuin finanssi- tai eurokriisissä. Mitä korkomarkkinoiden huimasta heilunnasta voi päätellä? Onko keskuspankkien koronnostosuunnitelmat nyt peruttu? Matkaavatko korot seuraavaksi nollaan? Entä mitä tapahtui niille paljon puhutuille inflaatioriskeille? Näistä teemoista keskustelemassa ekonomisti Kristian Nummelin, eurokorkostrategi Juha Vainikainen ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Asuntomarkkinat talviunilla

Julkaistu 3.3.2023

Asuntokauppa on hiljentynyt talveksi ja hinnat ovat kääntyneet laskuun korkojen noustessa ja epävarmuuden varjostaessa taloutta. Alamäen odotetaan jatkuvan vielä vuoden ensimmäisen puoliskon. Asuntomarkkinan odotetaan piristyvän jälleen loppuvuonna ja hintojen kääntyvän nousuun epävarmuuksien hälvetessä, sillä asuntomarkkinoiden perustekijöiden ovat kunnossa. Ketkä ovat asuntomarkkinoiden voittajat tässä haastavassa markkinatilanteessa? Miltä näyttää asuntosijoittamisen tuotot? Entä onko lainansaantiin tullut muutoksia korkojen noustessa? Asuntomarkkinoista keskustelemassa ekonomistit Kristian Nummelin ja Juho Kostiainen sekä asuntorahoituksesta vastaava johtaja Jussi Pajala. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kestääkö talous jatkuvat koronnostot?

Julkaistu 24.2.2023

Talouden kasvunäkymät ovat piristyneet alkuvuonna, ja ohjauskorot näyttävätkin nousevan euroalueella liki neljään ja Yhdysvalloissa kuuteen prosenttiin. Suomessa asuntolainojen ja valtion velan verrattain lyhyt koron kiinnitys sekä rakennusinvestointien suuri osuus tekevät taloudesta muuta euroaluetta korkoherkemmän. Miten Suomen talous kestää korkojen nousun? Ruotsin keskuspankki puolestaan tasapainottelee kotitalouksien kasvavien korkomenojen ja heikkenevän valuutan välillä. Muun muassa näistä aiheista ovat keskustelemassa pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich sekä ekonomistit Kristian Nummelin ja Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Tasapainoa etsimässä

Julkaistu 27.1.2023

Euroopan talousnäkymät ovat parantuneet syksystä selvästi energiapulan helpottaessa. Euroalueella näyttää siltä, että taantuma voidaan välttää, mutta Suomi keikkuu edelleen taantuman rajamailla. Miltä tasoilta asuntohintojen uusi tasapaino löytyy Suomessa ja muissa Pohjoismaissa? Taittuuko inflaatio vihdoin ja milloin korkojen nousu päättyy? Näistä kysymyksistä keskustelemassa Nordean ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen, pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja ekonomisti Kristian Nummelin. Lue suomenkielinen Nordea Economic Outlook - Tasapainoa etsimässä: Kuuntele myös Economic Outlook -webinaarimme: Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Velkaantuva valtio

Julkaistu 12.1.2023

Nousevat lainakorot ja karut arviot Suomen julkisen talouden suuresta sopeuttamistarpeesta ovat nostaneet valtion velkaantumisen taas keskustelun keskiöön. Mikä on Suomen taloustilanne, kuinka huolissaan julkisen talouden näkymistä pitäisi olla ja miten näihin haasteisiin voidaan vastata? Näistä kysymyksistä keskustelemassa Nordean ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen, analyytikko Lauri Vepsäläinen ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Joulupodi pohtii vuotta 2023

Julkaistu 21.12.2022

Sota varjosti kulunutta vuotta 2022. Miten talous ja markkinat heiluivat vuoden mittaan ja mitkä kehityskulut jäivät erityisesti mieleen? Ja mitä aiheita ja indikaattoreita tutkimustiimi aikoo seurata erityisen tiiviisti vuonna 2023? Tämä selviää kuuntelemalla Nordea Marketsin joulupodi, mukana keskustelemassa Tuuli Koivu, Jan von Gerich, Kristian Nummelin, Antti Koskivuo sekä Lauri Vepsäläinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Haastava talvi asuntomarkkinoilla

Julkaistu 2.12.2022

Asuntomarkkinoilla kehitys heikkeni selkeästi vuoden jälkipuoliskolla kauppamäärien perusteella. Talven näkymät ovat haastavat, mutta viimeistään kesäaurinko alkaa jälleen lämmittää asuntomarkkinoita. Millaista laskua asuntohinnoissa voidaan ensi vuonna nähdä? Onko markkinatilanteessa voittajia? Ovatko lainanantokriteerit muuttuneet? Näihin ja muihin asuntomarkkinoiden ajankohtaisiin kysymyksiin vastauksia pohtivat Nordean analyytikko Antti Koskivuo ja Kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

USA:n kuumat tunnelmat

Julkaistu 4.11.2022

Yhdysvaltojen työmarkkinat käyvät edelleen kuumina, ja inflaatio jyllää. Keskuspankki kertoi taas uudesta jättinostosta, kun taas äänestäjät toivovat liittovaltiolta apua ensi viikon välivaalien jälkeen. USA:n tilannetta pohtimassa ekonomisti Kristian Nummelin ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Xin kasvava valta lisää Kiinan riskejä

Julkaistu 28.10.2022

Puoluekokous vahvisti entisestään Xi Jinpingin asemaa Kiina johdossa. Xin talouspolitiikan linja herättää kysymyksiä, sillä talouden merkitys päätöksenteossa on vähentynyt hänen aikakaudellaan, eikä esimerkiksi koronapolitiikkaan ole näkyvissä helpotusta. Kiinan talousnäkymistä ja juanin kurssikehityksestä keskustelevat pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu ja ekonomisti Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Syksy saapui asuntomarkkinoille

Julkaistu 29.9.2022

Asuntomarkkinoilla kauppamäärät ja hintojen nousu ovat vaimentuneet tänä vuonna. Korkojen ja energiakustannusten nousu nostavat nyt asumiskuluja kovaa tahtia. Laskevatko asuntojen hinnat Suomessa? Kenelle kallis energia ja korkeammat korot tuntuvat eniten? Miten ilmastonmuutos vaikuttaa suomalaisten asumiseen? Näitä ja monia muita asuntomarkkinoiden ajankohtaisia teemoja ovat pohtimassa Nordean ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen, Kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala ja analyytikko Antti Koskivuo. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Keskuspankit korottavat kilpaa korkoja

Julkaistu 16.9.2022

Korot nousevat nyt poikkeuksellisen nopeasti inflaationäkymien pakottaessa keskuspankit yhä nopeampaan rahapolitiikan kiristämiseen. Korkeammat korot kurittavat Suomenkin taloutta, mutta euron arvoa ne eivät ole onnistuneet pönkittämään. Näkymistä keskustelemassa ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen, valuutta-analyytikko Kristian Nummelin sekä pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Synkkä syksy

Julkaistu 19.8.2022

Talousnäkymät heikentyivät kesällä odotuksia jyrkemmin. Syksyn alkaessa kova inflaatio, Kiinan jatkuva koronakamppailu ja Eurooppaa uhkaava energiakriisi ovat huolien kärkipäässä. Talousnäkymistä sekä tunnelmista valuutta- ja korkomarkkinoilla keskustelevat valuutta-analyytikko Kristian Nummelin, korkoanalyytikko Jan von Gerich sekä ekonomistit Juho Kostiainen ja Tuuli Koivu. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kesä on kreisi

Julkaistu 21.6.2022

Kesäpodissa käydään läpi vauhdikkaan talouskevään tapahtumia kotimaasta ja maailmalta niin inflaation, korkojen kuin yksityisen kulutuksen osalta. Lisäksi suuntaamme katseet jo tulevaan syksyn tärkeimpiin talouslukuihin. Talouden käänteistä ovat keskustelemassa Nordean pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu, päästrategi Jan von Gerich, ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen ja analyytikko Lauri Vepsäläinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Korkeammat korot kurittavat kaikkia

Julkaistu 25.5.2022

Korkonäkymät ovat menneet puolessa vuodessa täysin uusiksi, ja nousevien korkojen vaikutukset heijastuvat läpi rahoitusmarkkinoiden ja talouden. Korkonäkymistä ja niiden laajemmista vaikutuksista keskustelemassa Kristian Nummelin, Juha Vainikainen ja Jan von Gerich.

Katkeaako Suomen kasvu?

Julkaistu 13.5.2022

Suomen talouden ennustetaan kasvavan tänä vuonna 2 prosenttia haastavista olosuhteista huolimatta. Miten teollisuus pärjää Venäjän viennin supistuessa ja globaalien hintapaineiden ristiaallokossa? Näkyykö kasvanut epävarmuus tai kuluttajahintojen nousu suomalaisten kulutuksessa? Suomen talouden suuntaviivoja avaamassa ovat Nordean ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen sekä analyytikot Lauri Vepsäläinen ja Antti Koskivuo. Lisää podin teemoista voit lukea keskiviikkona 11.5.2022 julkaisemastamme Nordea Economic Outlookista. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Omikron syö Kiinan kasvua

Julkaistu 22.4.2022

Kiinan talous kasvaa totuttua hitaammin, kun omikron ja kiristynyt regulaatio painavat näkymiä. Kiinan talous- ja politiikkanäkymistä keskustelemassa pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu ja ekonomisti Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Asuntomarkkinat sodan ja nousevien kustannusten puristuksissa

Julkaistu 7.4.2022

Asuntomarkkinat kohtaavat nyt haasteita monesta suunnasta. Venäjän hyökkäyssota Ukrainassa huolestuttaa kuluttajia ja nostaa energian hintoja. Miten asuntomarkkinat kestävät kasvaneen epävarmuuden ja kohoava inflaatio, kun korkojen nousukin kolkuttelee jo ovella? Pääkaupunkiseudun vuokramarkkinoilla nähdään nyt ylitarjontaa ja laskevia vuokria. Millaiset ovat asuntosijoittajan tulevaisuudennäkymät ja muut asumisen trendit? Näistä aiheista keskustelemassa Nordea Kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala, ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen ja analyytikko Antti Koskivuo.

Sodan synkentämät talousnäkymät

Julkaistu 23.3.2022

Venäjällä inflaatio laukkaa jo 2 prosentin viikkotahdilla, kun taas suomalainen kuluttaja on huomannut sodan vaikutuksen nopeimmin bensa-asemalla. Miten sota on muuttanut kasvuennusteita? Nordean ekonomistit Juho Kostiainen ja Kristian Nummelin vastaavat Tuuli Koivun kiperiin kysymyksiin Venäjän hyökkäyssodan talousvaikutuksista Suomessa ja Venäjällä. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kallis kaasu kurittaa kasvua

Julkaistu 8.3.2022

Ruuan ja energiahintojen nousu aiheuttavat heijastusvaikutuksia markkinoille ja talouksille ympäri maailmaa. Kiina puolestaan tasapainoilee Venäjän ja lännen välissä. Ukrainan sodan ja energiahintojen nousun vaikutuksia pohtimassa pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu, ekonomisti Kristian Nummelin sekä pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Romauttaako korkojen nousu asuntomarkkinan?

Julkaistu 16.2.2022

Odotukset korkojen noususta ovat herättäneet monen asuntovelallisen. Mitä korkojen nousu tarkoittaisi asuntomarkkinoille ja miten nousuun voi varautua? Mitkä muut tekijät vaikuttavat asuntohintojen kehitykseen? Entä ovatko suomalaisten asumisen unelmat muuttuneet pandemian myötä? Asuntomarkkinoista keskustelemassa Nordean Kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala, pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich sekä Suomi-ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Euroalue nousee korkosuostaan

Julkaistu 10.2.2022

Euroalueella on aitoja inflaatiopaineita ensi kertaa pitkästä aikaa, ja myös pohjainflaatio näyttää jäävän keskuspankin kahden prosentin tavoitteen päälle pidemmäksikin aikaa. Koronnostot ovat alkamassa jo tänä vuonna, mutta kestääkö eurotalous ne? Euroalueen talous-, inflaatio- ja korkonäkymistä keskustelemassa pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu, ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kulman takana koronnostoja?

Julkaistu 4.2.2022

Inflaatio on jatkanut nousuaan viime aikoina, ja nyt myös keskuspankit ovat siitä huolestuneet. Yhdysvalloissa korkoja nostetaan jo maaliskuussa, eikä edes EKP rajannut pois koronnostoja tänä vuonna. Korkomarkkinoiden suurista liikkeistä keskustelemassa pääanalyytikot Jan von Gerich ja Juha Vainikainen sekä ekonomisti Kristian Nummelin Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kaksikymmentä vuotta euroja

Julkaistu 21.12.2021

Euroilla on maksettu jo kohta 20 vuotta, jonka kunniaksi pohdinnassa ovat euron vahvuudet sekä heikkoudet. Mitä uudistuksia puolestaan Suomen ja euroalueen tulisi tehdä tulevaisuutta silmällä pitäen? Mukana keskustelemassa pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu sekä ekonomistit Juho Kostiainen ja Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Joulupodi katsoo tulevaisuuteen

Julkaistu 14.12.2021

Mitä jäi mieleen vuodesta 2021, ja mitä vuosi 2022 tuo tullessaan? Ja entäpä perinteinen mitaliveikkaus: kuka on optimisti, ja kuka odottaa vain muutamaa mitalia Suomeen Pekingin talviolympialaisista? Muun muassa näitä aiheita pohtii Nordea Marketsin tutkimusporukka. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Riistäytyykö inflaatio käsistä?

Julkaistu 19.11.2021

Inflaatio on kiihtynyt viime kuukausina voimakkaasti niin euroalueella kuin Yhdysvalloissakin. Mitkä tekijät ajavat inflaatiota tällä hetkellä ja millaiset ovat ensi vuoden inflaationäkymät? Ovatko keskuspankit jo myöhässä rahapolitiikan kiristämisessä? Näistä aiheista ovat keskustelemassa pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu, päästrategi Jan von Gerich ja ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Joko korot nousevat?

Julkaistu 5.11.2021

Korkomarkkinoilla on nähty suuria liikkeitä viime aikoina. Miltä keskuspankkien suunnitelmat näyttävät: nousevatko korot jo ensi vuonna vai hyytyykö meno ennen aikojaan? Keskustelemassa pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich sekä ekonomistit Juho Kostiainen ja Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Asuntomarkkinoiden näkymät koronan jälkeen

Julkaistu 8.10.2021

Asuntomarkkinat ovat yllättäneet positiivisesti viimeisen vuoden aikana. Jatkuuko asuntohintojen nousu? Entä missä päin Suomea riittää kysyntää? Asuntomarkkinoiden näkymistä ovat keskustelemassa Nordean Kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala, päästrategi Jan von Gerich sekä Suomi-ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Podcast: Saksa vs Italia

Julkaistu 24.9.2021

Saksan vaaleissa viitoitetaan suuntaa koko Euroopalle. Italian uudistukset puolestaan ovat elintärkeitä koko euroalueen tulevaisuuden kannalta. Saksan ja Italian näkymistä keskustelemassa ovat Nordean ekonomisti Kristian Nummelin, analyytikko Ulla Vilkuna ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Talousennusteen jälkilöylyt

Julkaistu 10.9.2021

Palaamme Economic Outlook -webinaarissa vastaamatta jääneisiin kysymyksiin. Kuulijoita kiinnostivat muun muassa asuntomarkkinat, työvoiman riittävyys, maailmankaupan kehitys ja Kiinan poliittinen ympäristö. Kysymyksiin vastasivat pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu ja ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.


Julkaistu 27.8.2021

Kesän aikana nähtiin korkojen laskua ja dollarin vahvistumista. Millaiset ovat syksyn näkymät korko- ja valuuttamarkkinoilla? Tehdäänkö syyskuussa jo päätöksiä rahapolitiikan asteittaisesta kiristämisestä Yhdysvalloissa? Entä Euroopassa? Keskuspankki- ja markkinanäkymistä keskustelemassa ovat pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich, analyytikko Kristian Nummelin ja ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kohti kesälomaa

Julkaistu 1.7.2021

Nordea Marketsin kesäpodissa käydään läpi kuluneen vuoden suurimpia yllätyksiä taloudessa ja rahoitusmarkkinoilla. Samalla ennakoidaan, mitä syksy 2021 tuo mukanaan. Keskustelemassa ovat pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich, Suomi-ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen, valuutta-analyytikko Kristian Nummelin ja pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu.

Hellettä asuntomarkkinoilla

Julkaistu 18.6.2021

Asuntomarkkinoiden kehitys on yllättänyt positiivisesti koronavuonna, mutta miltä näyttää asuntojen kysyntä koronan jälkeen? Jatkuuko suurten kaupunkien voittokulku vai tuovatko etätyöt vastapainoa alueiden väliseen polarisaatiokehitykseen? Myös kotitalouksien velkaantuminen sekä ehdotettu lisäsääntely herättävät vilkasta keskustelua. Asuntomarkkinoiden kehitystä analysoivat Nordean Kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala, Suomen talouden ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen ja pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu. All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Puhetta inflaatiopuheista

Julkaistu 27.5.2021

Inflaatio on ollut markkinoiden ykköspuheenaihe tänä keväänä. Onko huolet inflaation karkaamisesta perusteluja vai jääkö inflaation kiihtyminen tilapäiseksi? Inflaatiosta ja rahapolitiikan koukeroista keskustelemassa Tuuli Koivu, Jan von Gerich ja Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Mitä kehysriihestä jäi käteen?

Julkaistu 4.5.2021

Kehysriihessä linjattiin Suomen talouspolitiikkaa seuraaville vuosille niin valtion menojen kuin työllisyystoimien osalta. Kehysriihen päätöksiä, EU:n elpymisrahojen käyttöä sekä muita julkisen talouden kiemuroita ovat ruotimassa valtiovarainministeriön johtava erityisasiantuntija Olli Kärkkäinen sekä Nordean ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Mitä kortit kertovat yksityisestä kulutuksesta?

Julkaistu 16.4.2021

Koronatilanne ja rajoitustoimet ovat vaihdelleet Pohjoismaissa kuukausittain, miten tämä on näkynyt eri maiden korttimaksuissa? Suomessa eri toimialojen lisäksi maakuntien kehitys on erkaantunut. Onko Lapissa ehditty kuluttaa myös palveluita Instagram -päivitysten välissä? Entä millaiset ovat talouden näkymät loppuvuonna? Näistä aiheista ovat keskustelemassa analyytikko Antti Koskivuo ja ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Valuuttatarinoita nousevista talouksista

Julkaistu 9.4.2021

Vaikka USA:n talouden toipuminen ja korkojen nousu voivat aiheuttaa yleisesti painetta nousevien talouksien valuutoille lähikuukausina, jokaisella valuutalla on myös oma tarinansa. Turkin, Kiinan ja Venäjän valuuttakehityksestä keskustelevat valuutta-analyytikko Kristian Nummelin ja pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Vaikuttavatko rajoitukset asuntokauppaan?

Julkaistu 25.3.2021

Koronasta ja talouden myllerryksestä huolimatta asuntokauppa käy kuumana. Onko joillekin alueille muodostunut jo hintakuplaa? Miten käy asuntonäyttöjen, jos liikkumisrajoitukset tulevat voimaan? Muuttoliike kasvukeskuksiin on eriyttänyt asuntohintakehitystä Suomen sisällä jo useita vuosia, mutta miten etätöiden lisääntyminen vaikuttaa asuntomarkkinoihin tulevaisuudessa? Korot ovat edelleen erittäin matalalla tasolla, mutta miltä näyttää korkojen tulevaisuus? Näistä aiheista ovat keskustelemassa Nordean Kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala, pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kasvua vai kangastuksia?

Julkaistu 12.3.2021

Talouden kasvunäkymät ovat piristyneet erityisesti Yhdysvalloissa, jossa rokottaminen on ripeää ja Biden lyö löylyä kiukaalle elvytyspaketilla. Kiinassa virus on pidetty aisoissa tiukoin matkustusrajoituksin ja maan johto pönkitti kasvunäkymää pitkälle tulevaisuuteen juuri päättyneessä kansankongressissa. Euroalueen elpyminen näyttää pykälää varovaisemmalta, ja Suomenkin lähiviikkojen talouskuvaa varjostaa vakava virustilanne. Kasvunäkymistä keskustelevat pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich, pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu ja Suomi-ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Korkokarhut karjuvat

Julkaistu 25.2.2021

Pitkät korot ovat lähteneet nousuun euroalueella ja etenkin USA:ssa. Miten keskuspankit vastaavat pitkien korkojen nousuun, entä osakemarkkinat? Onko näköpiirissä myös asuntovelallisille tärkeiden lyhyiden viitekorkojen nousua ja miten korkojen nousulta kannattaa suojautua? Näitä kysymyksiä pohtivat korkostrategi Juha Vainikainen, pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich sekä ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Nostetaan inflaatio pöydälle

Julkaistu 12.2.2021

Inflaation paluusta keskustellaan rahoitusmarkkinoilla nyt erittäin aktiivisesti. Yhdysvalloissa kokeneet asiantuntijat varoittavat lisäelvytyksen inflaatioriskeistä, ja nopea toipuminen koronakriisistä voi kasata hintapaineita euroalueellakin. Pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu nostavat kissan pöydälle ja pohtivat, miltä lähiajan inflaationäkymät vaikuttavat.

Kasvupiikkiä odotellessa

Julkaistu 29.1.2021

Podimme purjehtii tällä kertaa talousnäkymille elintärkeästä koronarokotteesta Suomen asuntomarkkinoiden kautta korkonäkymiin. Lopuksi navigoimme osakemarkkinoiden myrskyisissä tunnelmissa. Studiossa Jan von Gerich ja Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Korttidatasta reaaliaikaista tietoa taloudesta

Julkaistu 15.1.2021

Nordea on viime vuoden keväästä lähtien julkaissut dataa korteilla tehdyistä maksuista. Korttidata antaa lähes reaaliaikaisesti tietoa talouden aktiviteetin kehityksestä eri toimialoilla. Korttidatan käänteistä koronavuonna ovat keskustelemassa ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen ja analyytikko Robert Suomi. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Nordea Marketsin joulupodcast 2020

Julkaistu 16.12.2020

Vuosi 2020 oli erityisen mieleenpainuva ja Nordea Marketsin joulupodcastissa vuosi pannaan pakettiin sekä siirretään katse jo ensi vuoteenkin. Äänessä koko Nordean tutkimus. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Asuntomarkkinoilla imua

Julkaistu 10.12.2020

Asuntokauppa on jatkunut vahvana läpi syksyn ja asuntojen hinnat ovat jatkaneet nousua koronakriisistä huolimatta. Asuntomarkkinoiden hyvän kehityksen taustoja ovat pohtimassa Annukka Mickelsson Kiinteistönvälitysalan Keskusliitosta sekä Nordean Jussi Palaja ja Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Rokkaako rokote?

Julkaistu 20.11.2020

Viruksen värittämät lähikuukaudet näyttävät vaikeilta monissa talouksissa. Rokoteuutiset tuovat optimismia pidemmälle tulevaisuuteen mutta eivät käännä talouden suuntaa hetkessä. Suomen ja maailmantalouden näkymistä keskustelevat pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu, pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Brexit: Kauppasopimusta etsimässä

Julkaistu 6.11.2020

Britannia on eronnut Euroopan unionista, mutta kauppasopimuksesta neuvotellaan kiivaasti. Miten yritykset ovat varautuneet eri skenaarioihin ja mitä uusi suhde tarkoittaa Britannialle ja EU:lle jatkossa? Aiheesta keskustelemassa Elinkeinoelämän keskusliiton johtava asiantuntija Janica Ylikarjula sekä Nordealta Kristian Nummelin ja Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Toisen aallon talousnäkymät

Julkaistu 22.10.2020

Kiinan talous porskuttaa hyvässä vauhdissa kohti kommunistisen puolueen vuosikokousta, mutta euroalueen näkymiä varjostaa koronarajoitteiden nopea lisääntyminen. Miten Suomi pärjää talousnäkymien ristiaallokossa? Talousennusteita pistävät uusiksi pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich, pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu ja ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Painavat panokset

Julkaistu 25.9.2020

Yhdysvaltojen vaalivuosi kiinnostaa aina, mutta tänä vuonna panokset ovat poikkeuksellisen korkeat. Kiihtyykö kauppasota, taantuuko talouden toipuminen, masentuvatko markkinat ja saadaanko ylipäänsä selvää vaalitulosta? Näitä kysymyksiä pohtivat Kristian Nummelin, Tuuli Koivu ja Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Valtionvelka vaarallisilla vesillä?

Julkaistu 8.9.2020

Suomen valtion arvioidaan tarvitsevan tänä vuonna uutta velkaa 17,6 miljardia euroa. Samaan aikaan valtion lainakorot ovat tippuneet ennätysmatalalle. Kuka sijoittaa valtiolainoihin negatiivisella korolla? Mitä tilanteesta ajattelevat luottoluokittajat? Onko näköpiirissä velkojen uudelleenjärjestelyjä? Valtionvelasta keskustelemassa Valtiokonttorin rahoitustoimialan johtaja Teppo Koivisto sekä Nordean pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kiire asuntokaupoille?

Julkaistu 21.8.2020

Asunnonostajat näyttävät viitanneen kintaalla koronan ensimmäiselle aallolle, mutta jatkuvatko positiiviset tunnelmat syksyllä. Suomen asuntomarkkinoista ja talousnäkymistä keskustelemassa Nordean kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala, ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen ja pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Maailman ympäri 20 minuutissa

Julkaistu 14.8.2020

Miten talous selvisi koronakesästä? Uhkaako toinen aalto sumentaa myös syksyn? Miltä näyttävät Suomen, euroalueen, Yhdysvaltojen ja Kiinan näkymät? Talouden yleiskuvaa ovat pohtimassa Nordean asiantuntijat Tuuli Koivu, Juho Kostiainen, Robert Suomi ja Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Korttidata kirkastaa kesälomat

Julkaistu 7.7.2020

Korttidata on ekonomistin aarreaitta. Data avaa kiinnostavia näkökulmia Pohjoismaiden toipumiseen koronakriisistä ja osoittaa kuluttamisen olleen viime viikkoina vahvaa. Toisin on Yhdysvalloissa, jossa viruksen pelätään tuovan toisen huonon aallon talouteen jo kesällä. Kesän viimeisessä podcastissa äänessä ovat Nordean pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Eurooppalainen elvytys

Julkaistu 5.6.2020

Euroopan toipuminen koronakriisistä on käynnistynyt, ja sitä pyritään pönkittämään monenlaisin elvytystoimin. Mitä voimme toipumisesta nyt päätellä, millainen oli Saksan elvytyspaketti, ratkaiseeko EU:n elvytysrahasto talousalueen ongelmia ja tuleeko elpymistä sotkemaan vielä sopimukseton brexit? Pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivun piinapenkissä kaikkiin näihin ja moneen muuhunkin kysymykseen vastaavat pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja analyytikko Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Podcast: Virus ei vaikuta kaikkeen kauppaan - asuntokaupan monet trendit

Julkaistu 29.5.2020

Pohdimme koronakriisin vaikutuksia asuntokauppaan. Vaikka kauppamäärät keväällä laskivat, hintoihin kriisi ei ole vielä vaikuttanut. Myytävistä asunnoista on pikemminkin pulaa. Miten trendit kehittyvät jatkossa, sitä pohtivat pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivun vieraina Maria-Elena Ehrnrooth Kiinteistönvälitysalan Keskusliitosta ja Jussi Pajala Nordea Kiinnitysluottopankista. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Horjuuko euroalueen tärkein tukijalka?

Julkaistu 15.5.2020

Euroalueen tärkein tukipilari tässäkin kriisissä on ollut Euroopan keskuspankki mittavine velkakirjaostoineen. Ovatko velkakirjaostot nyt tulleet tiensä päähän Saksan perustuslakituomioistuimen rajoittavan tuomion myötä. Onko koko euroalue vaarassa, jos Saksan keskuspankki joutuu vetäytymään velkakirjaostoista? Tulenarkaa tilannetta pohtivat Jan von Gerich ja Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Suomen talous koronakriisissä

Julkaistu 24.4.2020

Indikaattorit kertovat Suomen talouden olevan syvällä koronamontussa. Miltä lähitulevaisuus näyttää ja miten kuopasta noustaan ylöspäin? Sitä saapui pohtimaan EK:n johtava ekonomisti Sami Pakarinen yhdessä Nordean analyytikko Kristian Nummelinin ja pääekonomistin Tuuli Koivun kanssa. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Toivoa toipumisesta

Julkaistu 9.4.2020

Meno rahoitusmarkkinoilla on ollut hurjaa, mutta pahin turbulenssi on jäänyt ainakin hetkeksi taakse. Millä mielin lähtevät pääsiäislomalle pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja analyytikko Kristian Nummelin, sitä kyselee pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Euroalue eristyksissä

Julkaistu 27.3.2020

Euroalueen talous sukeltaa ja valtioiden velkatasot nousevat nopeasti. EKP on tarttunut toimeen, mutta hallitusten kesken solidaarisuutta ei ole vielä syntynyt. Euroalueen tilannetta analysoivat pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Sijoituspodi: Miten sijoitan koronahuolten keskellä?

Julkaistu 5.3.2020

Pörssikurssit ovat painuneet hurjaa kyytiä koronahuolten kasvettua. Miten sijoittajan kannattaa tässä tilanteessa toimia? Pitääkö nyt ostaa vai myydä vai vaan panikoida? Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kallis karanteeni

Julkaistu 27.2.2020

Virus leviää maailmantalouteen, mutta onko paniikki pahempi uhka taloudelle ja markkinoille kuin itse koronavirus? Taloudesta koronan armoilla keskustelemassa Tuuli Koivu, Jan von Gerich ja Sanna Kurronen.

Tarttuuko tauti talouteen?

Julkaistu 14.2.2020

Kiinan talouden hyytyminen alkuvuonna näyttää väistämättömältä, kun taistelu koronavirusta vastaan sulkee tuotantoa. Pysyvätkö talousvaikutukset Kiinassa ja kuinka syväksi pudotus voi mennä? Koronaviruksen vaikutuksista keskustelevat ekonomistit Tuuli Koivu, Kristian Nummelin ja Sanna Kurronen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Suuri lähtölaukaus jäi suutariksi

Julkaistu 5.2.2020

Erittäin jännittävissä tunnelmissa alkaneet Yhdysvaltojen esivaalit loivat heti uutta epävarmuutta, kun ääntenlaskenta tökki pahemman kerran. Vaalikauden starttia sekä talous- ja markkinavaikutuksia analysoimassa Tuuli Koivu ja Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Sijoituspodi: Maltti on valttia

Julkaistu 5.2.2020

Markkinat kamppailevat hiljalleen paranevien perustekijöiden ja koko ajan ilmenevien uusien riskien kanssa. Kaataako koronavirus osakemarkkinoiden nousuputken? Miltä lähikuukaudet näyttävät sijoittajan silmin? Näihin asioihin ottavat kantaa Nordean sijoitusstrategit. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Talousennusteen jatkot

Julkaistu 30.1.2020

Suomen talouspolitiikka sai täystyrmäyksen sekä Talouspolitiikan arviointineuvostolta että luottoluokittaja Fitchiltä. Pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja ekonomisti Sanna Kurronen puivat kritiikkiä uuden talousennusteen valossa. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Sijoituspodi: Voivatko hyvät tuotot saada jatkoa?

Julkaistu 9.1.2020

Viime vuosi oli markkinoilla erinomainen. Strategimme ruotivat, mitä seuraavaksi voisi tulla historian ja nykytilanteen näkökulmasta. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Jännitettävää joulun jälkeenkin

Julkaistu 20.12.2019

Vuoden viimeinen podcastimme ja mukana koko Nordean makrotutkimus. Käymme läpi talouden tämän vuoden käänteitä ja siirrämme katseen myös ensi vuoteen: puhetta mm, Euroalueen tilanteesta, Brexitistä ja tietysti myös Suomen taloudesta. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Sijoituspodi: Strategien joululahjatoiveet

Julkaistu 4.12.2019

Markkinoilla on hurja nousu takanaan. Millaisia lahjoja pukinkontista pitää löytyä, jotta ensi vuosikin näyttäisi hyvältä? Onko tämän vuoden kaltaisiin tuottoihin mitään mahdollisuuksia? Näitä ja muita kysymyksiä pohtivat joulukuun Sijoituspodissa Nordean sijoitusstrategit Antti Saari ja Ville Korhonen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Valoa kaamokseen Suomen talousluvuista

Julkaistu 29.11.2019

Aurinkoa marraskuun synkkyyteen toivat varsin positiiviset tilastotiedot Suomen talouskasvusta tänä vuonna. Onko taantumapelot nyt peruttu? Miltä Suomen talous näyttää ensi vuonna? Miltä tilanne näyttää käynnissä olevan työmarkkinakierroksen ja kotitalouksien näkökulmasta? Näistä asioista keskustelemassa ovat Olli Kärkkäinen ja Lotta Lähteenmäki.

Pihisteleekö Saksa koko euroalueen taantumaan?

Julkaistu 8.11.2019

Euroalueen talousnäkymien synkentyessä Saksaa on huudettu entistä kovemmin apuun elvyttämään heikkenevää potilasta. Saksan nykyhallitus ei ole halukas merkittäviin suunnanmuutoksiin politiikassaan, mutta paine kasvaa. Ranskalla menee paremmin, Italialla ei. Espanjassa poliittinen umpisolmu ei hellitä. Suurimpien euromaiden sekä koko euroalueen näkymistä ovat keskustelemassa Tuuli Koivu ja Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Sijoituspodi: Askeleita oikeaan suuntaan

Julkaistu 5.11.2019

Nostimme osakkeet kuun vaihteessa ylipainoon, vaikka talousuutisointi on ollut mollivoittoista. Onko nyt oikeasti aika olla rohkea? Mitkä asiat voisivat siivittää osakkeet vielä kovempaan nousuun? Tätä pohtivat Antti Saari, Hertta Alava ja Juha Kettinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Trump haluaa kaiken huomion

Julkaistu 28.10.2019

Trump haluaa kaiken huomion - mutta tällä kertaa hän ei sitä kuitenkaan saa. Podcastimme käsittelee nimittäin politiikan lisäksi USA:n taloutta laajemmin, kauppasotaa, suhteita Eurooppaan ja keskuspankki Fedin näkymiä. Onko USA sittenkään samassa veneessä heikkenevän globaalin talouden kanssa? Jenkkinäkymiä pohtimassa hiljattain Yhdysvaltojen turneelta kotiutuneet Tuuli Koivu ja Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Mitä Venäjälle kuuluu?

Julkaistu 3.10.2019

Talousnäkymät ovat synkentyneet ja paljon epävarmuutta on ilmassa, mutta miten Venäjän taloudella oikein kulkee? Jatkuuko naapurimaamme talouskasvu, miltä tilanne näyttää Suomen ja Venäjän kauppasuhteiden kannalta ja elvyttääkö Venäjän keskuspankki muiden keskuspankkien mukana? Venäjän talouskiemuroita on avaamassa erikoisvieraamme, Venäjän pääekonomisti Tatiana Evdokimova, jota haastattelee Lotta Lähteenmäki. Podcast on englanniksi. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Sijoituspodi: Markkinoiden sumun seassa myös myönteisiä merkkejä

Julkaistu 1.10.2019

Keskuspankit avasivat elvytyshanat syyskuussa. Kasvunäkymiin liittyy epävarmuutta ja viimeisimmissä yritysten luottamusluvuissa oli vielä mukana heikkoja kohtia. Nordean strategit löytävät markkinoilta kuitenkin myös myönteisiä tekijöitä sijoittajan tueksi. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kiinan juhlat

Julkaistu 27.9.2019

Kiinan kansantasavallan 70-vuotista taivalta juhlitaan 1.10.2019. Mitä juhlallisuuksista voi päätellä kauppasodan tai talousnäkymien osalta? Nordean makrotiimin tämän vuoden FFP Max Immonen haastattelee pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivua Kiinan kuulumisista. Haluatko Maxin paikalle ensi kesänä? Nordea Marketsin Future Finance Professional -ohjelman haku käynnistyy 14.10.2019! Lue lisää Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Pelastiko Draghi taas euroalueen?

Julkaistu 13.9.2019

EKP:n syyskuun kokous jännitti myös muita kuin talouden asiantuntijoita. Pystyikö Draghi vastaamaan korkeisiin odotuksiin, mitä on luvassa seuraavaksi ja vieläkö rahapolitiikalla voidaan vaikuttaa talousnäkymiin? EKP:n kokouksen jälkipyykkiä pesevät Tuuli Koivu ja Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Sijoituspodi: Onko Eurooppa Japanin tiellä?

Julkaistu 10.9.2019

Hidas kasvu ja vaimea inflaatio ovat painaneet korot nollaan. Onko kyseessä pitkäaikainen ilmiö? Onko Eurooppa Japanin viitoittamalla tiellä? Näihin kysymyksiin tämän kertaisessa Sijoituspodissa vastausta etsivät sijoitusstrategit Alava, Kettinen ja Korhonen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Maailmalla myrskyää – Suomen vene keinuu

Julkaistu 6.9.2019

Viileämmät tuulet puhaltavat Suomen taloudessa. Kasvuennusteita on korjattu viime aikoina alaspäin ja hallituksen työllisyystavoite jää yhä kauemmaksi. Miltä Suomen talous lähivuosina näyttää ja minkälaista talouspolitiikkaa tässä suhdannetilanteessa pitäisi harjoittaa? Näitä asioita pohtivat ja Nordean uuden Economic Outlookin talousnäkymiä selittävät Jan von Gerich ja Olli Kärkkäinen.

Putoaako talous rotkoon?

Julkaistu 20.8.2019

Talousnäkymien synkkeneminen on jatkunut kesän aikana etenkin euroalueella, mutta keskuspankkien vastaisku on alkanut. Pureeko keveämpi rahapolitiikka enää, vai painavatko globaalit epävarmuudet, kuten kauppasota ja brexit, talouden syvään mutakuoppaan? Epävarmuutta yrittävät ymmärtää Tuuli Koivu ja Jan von Gerich. (Kuvassa Jan von Gerich oman lajinsa parinsa ylittämässä esteitä Tukholman Toughest -kilpailussa.) Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Sijoituspodi: Miten sijoittaa tviittimyrskyn keskellä?

Julkaistu 7.8.2019

Kauppasodan uudet kierrokset painoivat pörssikursseja heinä-elokuun vaihteesta. Samaan aikaan korot ovat hämmästyttävän matalalla. Miten tässä tilanteessa kannattaa sijoittaa? Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Sijoituspodi: Ristiaallokossa purjehtimista

Julkaistu 4.7.2019

Heinäkuun Sijoituspodissa Nordea ns. päästrategi Antti Saari ja sijoitustrategi Juha Kettinen pohtivat alkuvuoden markkinanäkymiä, jossa sijoittajat ovat joutuneet purjehtimaan kauppasodan, talousnäkymien ja rahapolitiikan ristiaallokossa. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Sulattaako kesä Suomen kasvun?

Julkaistu 18.6.2019

Maailmalta puhaltaa viileää kasvutuulta Suomeen ja uusi hallitus aloittaa työnsä hiipuvan talouskasvun ympäristössä. Miltä näyttää hallituksen työllisyystavoite ja mitä tapahtuu syksyn palkkaneuvotteluissa? Suomen talousnäkymiä avaamassa Tuuli Koivu, Olli Kärkkäinen ja Lotta Lähteenmäki. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Mutkia matkassa

Julkaistu 13.6.2019

Alkuvuoden hurjaan kurssinousuun on tullut mutkia. Talousnäkymien tasaantuminen on yhä melko epävarmoissa kantimissa, eikä Yhdysvaltain ja Kiinan välisen kauppanahistelun kiihtyminen helpota tilannetta. Samalla kuitenkin tulosodotuksissa pahin lasku on takanapäin ja toukokuun osakemyyntien jälkeen myös markkinoiden tunnelmat ovat terveemmillä kantimilla. Kesäkuun talousnäkymiä ruotivat Sijoituspodissa tällä kertaa sijoitusstrategit Korhonen, Kettinen ja Alava.

Keskuspankit keventävät ja markkinoiden juhlat jatkuvat

Julkaistu 7.6.2019

Taantumapelot valtaavat alaa, kauppasota vain kärjistyy ja riskinottohalukkuus on koetuksella. Keskuspankit voivat jälleen pelastaa päivän, mutta eivät keskipitkän aikavälin näkymiä. Talous- ja markkinanäkymistä keskustelemassa Jan von Gerich ja Tuuli Koivu. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Eurovaalit näyttävät suuntaa myös markkinoille

Julkaistu 24.5.2019

Eurovaalit ovat tärkeät lyhyemmän aikavälin markkina- ja talousnäkymille ennen kaikkea sen takia, että ne vaikuttavat Italian vakauden, brexitin ja Ranskan uudistusten kehitykseen. Näitä teemoja pohtimassa Jan von Gerich ja Tuuli Koivu. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Osuuko Trumpin politiikka kohteeseen?

Julkaistu 10.5.2019

USA:n vielä vahvassa vedossa oleva talous on rohkaissut Trumpia koviin otteisiin kauppapolitiikassa. Kiinan lisäksi kohteeksi ovat joutuneet mm. meksikolaiset tomaatit. USA:n talousnäkymistä ja kauppapolitiikasta keskustelemassa Tuuli Koivu ja Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Sijoituspodi - Hieman helpotusta

Julkaistu 9.5.2019

Vuodenvaihteen pahimpiin pelkoihin on vihdoin saatu hieman helpotusta myös talouden ja tulosten puolelta. Riittääkö se osakkeiden voittokulun jatkumiseksi vai ovatko markkinat menneet jo asioiden edelle? Entä mitkä ovat houkuttelevimmat joukkolainamarkkinat tässä tilanteessa? Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Eurotalous piinapenkissä

Julkaistu 25.4.2019

Eurotalouden näkymät ovat jatkaneet heikentymistään, kun talousveturi Saksan aiemmin kivenkova teollisuus on ajautunut taantumaan. Mitkä ovat suurimpien euromaiden taloushaasteet ja hyydyttävätkö ne koko euroalueen? Euroalueen haasteista keskustelemassa Jan von Gerich ja Tuuli Koivu. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Kiina ei romahtanut vieläkään

Julkaistu 23.4.2019

Kiinan talous näyttää välttäneen suuremman hidastumisen jälleen kerran, kun elvytys on alkanut purra ja kauppasodan suhteen ollaan hitusen aiempaa vähemmän pelokkaita. Pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu vieraili viime viikolla Kiinassa ja palasi kotiin optimistisen viestin kera. Haastattelijan roolissa toimii pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Mistä Suomelle taiotaan uusi hallitus?

Julkaistu 17.4.2019

Vaalit ovat takana ja vaikeat hallitusneuvottelut edessä. Heikentyvien talousnäkymien tuomat haasteet muuttuvat todellisiksi viimeistään hallitusneuvotteluissa. Miten uusi hallitus pystyy vastaamaan näihin? Uuden hallituksen kokoonpanoa ja tulevia haasteita pohtimassa pääsiäisanalyytikot Jan von Gerich ja Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Sijoituspodi: Hämmästyttävät markkinat

Julkaistu 3.4.2019

Markkinoiden alkuvuosi on ollut hämmästyttävä: tuottoja on saanut kahmittua mistä vain omaisuuslajista. Sijoitusstrategitiimimme pohtii, jatkuuko hämmästyttävä kehitys ja voiko siitä oppia jotain.

Seuraavan hallituksen taloushaasteet

Julkaistu 29.3.2019

Vaalit lähestyvät, mutta keskustelu tulevasta talouspolitiikasta lähes loistaa poissaolollaan. Seuraavan hallituksen taloushaasteet ovat huomattavasti suuremmat, kuin optimistisista vaaliohjelmista voisi päätellä. Tulevan hallituksen haasteista heikentyvässä talousympäristössä keskustelemassa Olli Kärkkäinen ja Jan von Gerich.

Brexit ja brittitalouden murskaajat

Julkaistu 15.3.2019

Tämän viikon tärkeiden äänestysten jälkeen brexit-näkymät ovat edelleen hyvin sumuiset. Vai ovatko? Onko brexit edelleen toteutumassa, ja miten uusimmat käänteet vaikuttavat talousnäkymiin? Brexit -sekamelskasta keskustelemassa Jan von Gerich ja Kristian Nummelin.

All you never want to know about artificial intelligence

Julkaistu 7.3.2019

Seeing and hearing a lot about AI in the news? Wonder where all the hype is coming from? Have you ever worried about an AI becoming super-intelligent, taking over the world and having no use for humans? Or at least about AI replacing human jobs? Or are you a business leader, fearing that your company will become uncompetitive if it does not start using AI tools? In this podcast, Nordea Markets Chief Editor Martin O’Rourke talks to Johan Trocmé and Hemming Svensson from Thematics in Nordea Research, about these topics, which are covered in their Nordea On Your Mind report “AI: The dawn of the data age”. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Luistaako Suomen suksi?

Julkaistu 1.3.2019

Vauhti on hidastumassa sekä Suomen taloudessa että asuntomarkkinoilla. Sopiiko Suomen suksivalinta globaalisuhdanteeseen ja miksi asuntomarkkinoilla ostajat ovat tänä vuona vahvoilla? Aänessä Nordean ekonomistit Olli Kärkkäinen ja Tuuli Koivu.

Eurotalouden täystyrmäys?

Julkaistu 11.2.2019

Euroalueen talousnäkymät ovat synkentyneet nopeasti, eikä merkkejä alamäen kääntymisestä juurikaan ole. Vai onko sittenkin? Euroalueen talouden haasteista ja niiden vaikutuksista myös Suomelle keskustelemassa Jan von Gerich ja Tuuli Koivu.

Sijoituspodi: Brexitin uhat ja mahdollisuudet sijoittajalle

Julkaistu 7.2.2019

Brexit-päivä lähestyy ja sekaannus sen kun kasvaa. Mitä eri mahdollisuuksia on ja mitä ne tarkoittavat sijoittajan näkökulmasta? Antti Saaren erikoisvieraana Brexit -asiantuntijamme Sanna Kurronen Nordea Marketsista.

Muuraako Trump taloudenkin jumiin?

Julkaistu 30.1.2019

USA:nkin taloudesta on vihdoin kuulunut heikompia merkkejä, ja samaan aikaan poliittinen umpisolmu vain kiristyy. Onko muuri todella Trumpille tärkeämpi kuin talouskasvu? USA:n ja vähän muunkin maailman näkymistä keskustelemassa Aki Kangasharju ja Jan von Gerich.

Käänne tulee Kiinasta, mutta milloin?

Julkaistu 11.1.2019

Kiinan heikentyneet kasvunäkymät ja uutiset kauppasodasta ovat heiluttaneet viime viikkoina rahoitusmarkkinoita. Kumpaankaan ei ole luvassa pikaista ratkaisua, joten epävarmuus jatkuu vähintään lähikuukaudet. Asiasta keskustelemassa Nordea Marketsin ekonomistit Tuuli Koivu ja Sanna Kurronen.

Sijoituspodi: Riskit ja mahdollisuudet

Julkaistu 10.1.2019

Vuoden ensimmäisessä Sijoituspodissa Antti Saari ja Juha Kettinen miettivät miten sijoittajan kannattaisi toimia voimakkaasti heiluvilla markkinoilla, kun kasvavat riskit huolestuttavat, mutta samalla parhaat tuotot saadaan pahimpien laskupäivien keskeltä.

Näin meni vuosi 2018 – näin käy vuonna 2019

Julkaistu 13.12.2018

Kuuntele harvinainen podcastimme, jossa mukana koko Nordean makrotutkimus. Vuoden viimeisessä podcastissa käymme läpi talouden tämän vuoden yllätykset ja kerromme mitä tapahtuu ensi vuonna. Miten käy Brexitin, miten EU muuttuu ja kuinka paljon tavallisen ihmisen tulot nousevat.

Sijoituspodi: 2019 – Köydenvetoa

Julkaistu 5.12.2018

Sijoitusstrategit Antti Saari, Ville Korhonen ja Juha Kettinen laittavat Sijoituspodin vuoden viimeisessä jaksossa sijoitusvuoden 2018 pakettiin ja tekevät katsauksen ensi vuoteen, joka on kasvavan talouden ja kiristyvän rahapolitiikan köydenvetoa.

Käänne on taas käsillä!

Julkaistu 30.11.2018

Käänne on taas käsillä! Kristian Nummelin ja Aki Kangasharju keskustelevat käsillä olevan nousukauden päättymisestä ja muista Suomen talouden käänteistä. Aki kertoo tuoreesta kirjastaan ja niistä uudistustarpeista, joita paljon esillä olleiden työmarkkinareformien lisäksi tarvitaan.

Brexit -sopimus syntyi, kaaos jatkuu

Julkaistu 16.11.2018

Pääministeri Theresa May linjasi Britannian vaihtoehdot: ”Tämä sopimus, ei sopimusta tai ei Brexitiä”. Mihin päädytään? Kaaosta selkeyttävät Nordean ekonomistit Tuuli Koivu ja Sanna Kurronen.

Sijoituspodi: Ote pitää

Julkaistu 2.11.2018

Markkinoilla nähtiin lokakuussa toinen korjausliike tänä vuonna. Mikä sijoittajia hermostuttaa? Pitääkö perustekijöiden ote, vai antavatko sijoittajat periksi peloilleen? Strategit Antti Saari ja Ville Korhonen keskustelevat.

Välivaaleilla on väliä myös globaalille taloudelle

Julkaistu 2.11.2018

6.11. pidettävissä välivaaleissa mitataan Trumpin todellinen suosio, ja vaalituloksilla on paljon merkitystä myös globaalien rahoitusmarkkinoiden ja talouden näkymiin. Kärjistyykö kauppasota, kiristyykö globaali poliittinen tilanne, nähdäänkö lisää veronalennuksia vai lamaantuuko Yhdysvaltojen politiikka täysin? Vaaliasetelmia ja tuloksien vaikutuksia pohtimassa Halloween -tunnelmissa Aki Kangasharju ja Jan von Gerich.

Vakaat kehittyvät markkinat

Julkaistu 19.10.2018

Osakemarkkinoiden pudotus lokakuun alussa ei aiheuttanut kummempaa turbulenssia kehittyville markkinoille. Joko kaikki raha on paennut vai vieläkö yltyvä pääomapako uhkaa kehittyviä talouksia? Mitä tekee kauppasodan kuristama Kiina? Entä pakotteiden painama Venäjä? Viekö Erdogan Turkin taantumaan? Keskustelemassa ekonomistit Kristian Nummelin ja Sanna Kurronen.

Trump sai NAFTAlle uuden nimen, mutta saiko muuta?

Julkaistu 5.10.2018

USA:n ja Kiinan välillä kauppasota sen kuin yltyy, mutta toisaalla Pohjois-Amerikan uusi NAFTA, eli USMCA saatiin maaliin. Mitä siinä itse asiassa sovittiin ja mitä on syytä odottaa USA:n ja EU:n välisistä neuvotteluista? Keskustelemassa ekonomistit Tuuli Koivu ja Sanna Kurronen

Sijoituspodi: Suunta säilyy

Julkaistu 3.10.2018

Miltä markkinatilanne näyttää syksyn alussa. Onko kauppapolitiikka kaatamassa maailmantalouden vai hermoilevatko sijoittajat turhan takia? Lokakuun alun sijoitusstrategiaa tutkailevat Sijoituspodissa strategit Ville Korhonen ja Juha Kettinen.

Brexit tarkoittaa Brexitiä – eli mitä?

Julkaistu 21.9.2018

Britannian EU-eroon on enää puoli vuotta aikaa, eikä erosopimuksesta ole tietoakaan. Pääministeri Mayllä on vaikeuksia vakuuttaa edes omaa hallitustaan ideoistaan. Viime hetkille menee, mutta ajaudutaanko pahimpaan vaihtoehtoon, eli eroon ilman erosopimusta ja mitä se tarkoittaisi? Keskustelemassa Jan von Gerich ja Sanna Kurronen.

Varoitus: korkojen nousu alkaa jo ensi vuonna

Julkaistu 7.9.2018

Draghin kausi EKP:n johdossa lähenee loppuaan, ja euroalueen pohjainflaatio on viimein heräämässä henkiin. Keskuspankin seuraava pääjohtaja johdattaa korot nousu-uralle ja jättää nollakorkopolitiikan taakse. Mielenkiintoisiksi muuttuvista korkonäkymistä keskustelevat Tuuli Koivu ja Jan von Gerich.

Sijoituspodi: Yhä ylöspäin

Julkaistu 5.9.2018

Sijoittajan kesäsää on ollut pääosin aurinkoinen. Jatkuuko nousu syksylläkin, vai pilaavatko kehittyvien maiden ongelmat koko maailman näkymät? Sijoitusstrategimme Ville Korhonen ja Antti Saari käyvät läpi syksyn sijoitusnäkymiä.

Pakotteet piinaavat Venäjää

Julkaistu 24.8.2018

Venäjän talous kasvaa, kiitos öljyn hinnan ja palkkojen nousun. Mutta USA:n pakotteet yltyvät, mikä pitää sijoittajat varpaillaan ja heikentää ruplaa. Kuinka pahaksi pakotekierre vielä yltyy? Keskustelemassa ekonomistit Aki Kangasharju ja Sanna Kurronen.

Karkasivatko pilvet sijoitustaivaalta?

Julkaistu 7.8.2018

Kesään lähdettiin epävakaista sijoitussäätä odotellessa. Joskus kuitenkin tuuli kääntyy ja kantaa pilvirintamat pois häiritsemästä auringonottoa. Strategimme Lippo Suominen ja Antti Saari kertaavat kesän sijoitussäitä ja kääntävät katseita syksyyn.

Sijoituspodi: Epävakaa kesäsää

Julkaistu 3.7.2018

Osakemarkkinoiden pitkä nousuputki on koetuksella, kun yhtäältä kauppasota ja toisaalta kiristävät keskuspankit hankaloittavat sijoittajan elämää. Samaan aikaan kuitenkin talous ja tulokset houkuttelevat osakemarkkinoille. Kesän sijoitussää näyttääkin epävakaalta. Strategien ennustuskyky on tiukoilla, kun yritetään ennakoida, mitä Donald Trumpin pään sisällä liikkuu. Eikä sitä taida silti pystyä arvaamaan.

Refugees challenging the EU and Merkel

Julkaistu 27.6.2018

The refugee question is threatening the 70-year old coalition in Germany and reprioritizing the EU’s reform agenda. Our latest podcast with Aki Kangasharju and Jan von Gerich reveals what to think of the CSU’s initiative to stop the refugee inflow to Germany, Italy’s pledge to create refugee quotas across the EU, and what kind of repercussions these developments could have for the future of the EU.

Keskuspankkiirien valtataistelu

Julkaistu 15.6.2018

EKP ja Fed tekivät tällä viikolla tärkeitä rahapoliittisia päätöksiä, mutta mitä merkitystä niillä on talous- ja markkinanäkymille? Keskuspankkien viestinnästä käy hyvin ilmi suhdanteen eri vaihe: Fed kiristää ja näkee talousnäkymät vahvoina, kun taas EKP sitoutui pitämään korot matalina syksyyn 2019 asti. Varsinkin EKP:n sisällä valtataistelu eri leirien välillä kiihtyy. Keskuspankkien päätöksistä keskustelevat pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja ekonomisti Tuuli Koivu.

Sijoituspodi: Politiikka voi pilata sinunkin kesälomasi

Julkaistu 7.6.2018

Italian hallituksen muodostus ja USA:n kauppasotauhittelu ovat pelottaneet sijoittajia viime viikkoina, mutta silti maailman osakkeet ovat olleet nousussa. Brasiliassa puolestaan valtion toimet ovat tiputtaneet Petrobrasin osaketta lähes 40 prosenttia. Nordean sijoitusstrategit Lippo Suominen ja Eemil Palmen pähkäilevät, miksi politiikkaa painaa yhdessä paikassa, mutta on kokonaisuuden kannalta yleensä yhdentekevää. Saadaanko tänäkin vuonna kesäloman alun kansanäänestysyllätys?

Talousennusteen jatkot: näin kasvu jatkuu

Julkaistu 5.6.2018

Suomi on hyvässä vauhdissa kohti 3 prosentin talouskasvua vuonna 2018. Työmarkkinakehitys on vahvaa ja investoinnit ovat ennätystasolla. Mutta uhkaako kauppasota Suomen hyviä näkymiä? Keskustelemassa Nordean pääekonomisti Aki Kangasharju ja ekonomisti Tuuli Koivu.

Hyydyttääkö kallis öljy maailmantalouden?

Julkaistu 18.5.2018

Öljyn hinta on kivunnut nopeasti usean vuoden huippuihin. Kuinka kauan nousu jatkuu? Miten kalliimpi hinta vaikuttaa talouskasvuun ja inflaatioon Suomessa ja maailmalla? Mitä markkinavaikutuksia nousseella öljynhinnalla on? Teemasta keskustelemassa Jan von Gerich, Tuuli Koivu ja Sanna Kurronen.

Osakemies vs. korkomies

Julkaistu 4.5.2018

Korkoja pidetään yleisesti osakemarkkinoiden pitkän nousun suurimpana uhkana, mutta onko syytä huoleen? Voivatko nousevat korot painaa osakkeet pysyvään alamäkeen? Ja jos voivat, niin milloin? Nordean osakemies Lippo Suominen ja korkomies Jan Von Gerich pohtivat korkojen nousun syitä ja seurauksia toukokuun Sijoituspodissa.

Lama tulee, mutta milloin?

Julkaistu 27.4.2018

Ekonomistit ovat huonoja ennustamaan talouskäänteitä. He ovat myös arkoja – käännettä taantumaan uskalletaan tuskin koskaan ennustaa tyypillisessä kahden vuoden ennustehorisontissa. Tässä podcastissa Aki ja Janne ennustavat maailmantalouden taantuman alkavaksi vuonna 2020. Se ehtii Suomeen vielä saman vuoden joulukuuksi. Tule kuuntelemaan, millä perusteella julkeamme tällaisiin ennusteisiin.

Joko Ruotsin kasvu hyytyy?

Julkaistu 6.4.2018

Ruotsin asuntojen hinnat kääntyivät syksyllä laskuun ja nyt kuluttajien ja rakennussektorin luottamus rapautuu. Kuinka pahan iskun Ruotsin talouskasvu ottaa ja miten se siirtyy Suomeen? Keskustelemassa Nordean ekonomistit Sanna Kurronen ja Janne von Gerich.

Ahneus ja pelko

Julkaistu 5.4.2018

Osakemarkkinoiden kevät on kulunut ahneuden ja pelon ristivedossa. Tammikuun hurjan nousun jäljiltä on tultu alas kovaa kyytiä. Sijoitusstrategit Lippo Suominen ja Antti Saari pohtivat, voittaako sijoittajien ahneus lopulta pelon, vai onko luvassa pysyvämpi laskumarkkina.

Miksei Venäjä voi olla kuin muut naapurimme?

Julkaistu 23.3.2018

Vain investoinneilla Venäjä voisi nostaa kasvuvauhtiaan, mutta juhlapuheista huolimatta se ei tunnu Venäjää kiinnostavan. Millä eväillä Putin lähtee viemään Venäjän taloutta 20-luvulle? Onko resurssikirouksesta ulospääsyä? Venäjän talouden haasteista keskustelemassa ekonomistit Tuuli Koivu ja Sanna Kurronen.

Sijoituspodi – Markkinoiden kolme uhkaa, ja miksi ne eivät hyydytä nousua?

Julkaistu 13.3.2018

Osakemarkkinoiden nousu on nyt jatkunut finanssikriisin jälkeen jo yhdeksän vuotta. Kolme kovaa koota - korot, kauppatullit tai Kiina – voisivat estää nousun 10-vuotispäivät, mutta sijoitusstrategit Lippo Suominen ja Eemil Palmen käyvät läpi, miksi niistä ei ole markkinoiden kääntäjäksi toistaiseksi.

Aloittaako Trump kauppasodan?

Julkaistu 9.3.2018

Trump on sytyttämässä kauppasotaa. Liity seuraamme pohtimaan, miten tilanne voi kehittyä. Tuuli Koivu ja Jan von Gerich keskustelevat mahdollisista protektionismin seurauksista niin reaalitaloudessa kuin rahoitusmarkkinoilla.


Julkaistu 7.3.2018

Tässä Nordea podcast -jaksossa vieraina ovat Nordean varallisuudenhoidosta Jari Mustonen ja Janne Miettinen, jotka kertovat mitä osingot ovat ja miten liittyvät kevääseen.

Populismin paluu?

Julkaistu 27.2.2018

4. maaliskuuta voi tarjota käännekohdan koko Euroopalle. Mitä jos Italia kääntyy eurovastaiseksi? Mitä jos Saksan sosiaalidemokraatit hylkäävät hallitusohjelman? Ennusteet ja mielipidetiedustelut eivät ennusta kaaosta, mutta ennustajat ovat olleet väärässä ennenkin. Tule kuuntelemaan Jan von Gerichin ja Aki Kangasharjun pohdintaa Euroopan tulevaisuudesta.

Pilaako inflaatiopeikko juhlat?

Julkaistu 9.2.2018

Positiiviset markkinatunnelmat ovat kokeneet takaiskun. Pakottaako nouseva inflaatio keskuspankit rahapolitiikan nopeampaan kiristämiseen? Kuinka nopeasti korot voivat nousta? Onko markkinoiden rauhallisuuden aika jäämässä taakse? Aiheesta keskustelemassa Tuuli Koivu ja Jan von Gerich.

Sijoituspodi - Korjausliikkeen anatomia

Julkaistu 8.2.2018

Osakemarkkinoilla nähtiin pitkästä aikaa korjausliike, kun osakkeet painuivat nopeaan alamäkeen USA:n vedolla. Mikä markkinoita painoi – inflaatio, ylikuumeneminen vai vola-virvelit? Ja palaavatko markkinat takaisin iloiseen hurlumhei-nousuun vai onko maailma enää sama paikka heilunnan jälkeen? Sijoitusstrategit Lippo Suominen ja Antti Saari pohtivat pudotuksen syitä ja seurauksia.

Talousennusteen jatkot

Julkaistu 26.1.2018

Nordean pääekonomisti Aki Kangasharju ja yksitystalouden ekonomisti Olli Kärkkäinen pohtivat ennusteen jälkeen julkistetun erinomaisen työmarkkina-datan vaikutuksia ja miten Suomen työllisyysaste saadaan yli 72 prosentin.

Sijoituspodi extra: Wall Streetin tuliaiset

Julkaistu 26.1.2018

Nordean sijoitusstrategit vierailivat vuoden alussa New Yorkissa paikallisia pankkiireita tapaamassa ja kysymässä, missä tunnelmissa Wall Streetilla lähdetään uuteen vuoteen. Mukaan tuli paljon markkinapositiivisuutta ja joitain pitkän tähtäimen uhkia. Lippo Suominen ja Antti Saari käyvät Sijoituspodissa läpi tunnelmia rapakon takaa.

Maailmantalous - nousukiidossa vai kana lennossa?

Julkaistu 17.1.2018

Markkinavuosi 2018 sai salama-alun. Miten maailmantalouden kasvu voisi tästä vielä kiihtyä? Entä mitkä tekijät voisivat katkaista talouden lennon? Aiheesta keskustelemassa Nordean ekonomistit Tuuli Koivu, Janne von Gerich ja Sanna Kurronen.

Sijoituspodi: Vahva startti

Julkaistu 10.1.2018

Mitä pörssivuoden vahva aloitus tarkoittaa koko vuoden osalta? Mitä riskejä ja mahdollisuuksia tänä vuonna on edessä? Näitä kysymyksiä pohtivat sijoituspodissa strategit Eemil Palmén ja Antti Saari.

Sijoittamisen alkeet

Julkaistu 3.1.2018

Onko sijoittaminen salatiedettä ja vain harvojen ja valittujen harrastus? Näihin ja moniin muihin aloittelevaa sijoittajaa kiinnostaviin kysymyksiin vastaa Mats Hansson Nordean varallisuuden hoidosta. Nordean podcast tarjoaa puhetta sijoittamisesta ja säästämisestä ja niihin liittyvistä ajankohtaisista asioista ja ilmiöstä.

Markkinamahdollisuudet 2018

Julkaistu 20.12.2017

Jan von Gerich, Lippo Suominen ja Sanna Kurronen paljastavat omat suosikkikohteensa korko- valuutta- ja osakemarkkinoilta vuodelle 2018.

Sijoituspodi extra – 2018 mustien joutsenten metsästys

Julkaistu 18.12.2017

Entäs jos ensi vuosi ei menekään käsikirjoituksen mukaan? Mikä voisi yllättää sijoittajat housut kintuissa; Trumpin ero, liuskeöljyn romahdus, somen kieltäminen…? Onko Bitcoin uusi Nokia? Sijoitusstrategit Lippo Suominen ja Eemil Palmen etsivät ensi vuoden markkinayllätyksiä, joilla voi tehdä rahaa, tai olla tekemättä.

Vastuullinen sijoittaminen

Julkaistu 11.12.2017

Puhetta sijoittamisesta ja säästämisestä ja niihin liittyvistä ajankohtaisista asioista ja ilmiöstä. Tässä jaksossa Nordea Fundsin rahastojohtaja Hanna Porkka kertoo voiko sijoittamalla tehdä hyvää.

Sijoituspodi – vuosi pakettiin

Julkaistu 4.12.2017

Sijoittajalla on jälleen hyvä vuosi takana, mutta tarkkaan ottaen mikä tuotti ja mikä ei? Onko vuosi 2018 toisinto viime vuodesta vai onko pitkä noususuhdanne vihdoin tiensä päässä? Lippo Suominen ja Antti Saari pistävät vanhan vuoden pakettiin ja kääntävät katseet eteenpäin.


Julkaistu 6.11.2017

Syyshuumaa by Nordea Markets

Oi Suomen talous, missä kuljet?

Julkaistu 27.10.2017

Oi Suomen talous, missä kuljet? by Nordea Markets

Lohikäärme ruutitynnyrissä

Julkaistu 13.10.2017

Nordean pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja ekonomisti Tuuli Koivu keskustelevat Kiinan puoluekokouksesta, Kiinan roolista ja merkityksestä maailmantaloudelle.

MAGAnomics - Make America Great Again

Julkaistu 11.10.2017

Nordean pääekonomisti Aki Kangasharju ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich keskustelevat USA:n taloudesta, talousnäkymistä, politiikasta ja Tramponomicsista - onko Trump mahdollisuus vai uhka?

Sijoituspodi - Valoa synkkään syksyyn

Julkaistu 3.10.2017

Syksy eikun pimenee samalla, kun markkinoiden näkymät pysyvät valoisina. Talous porskuttaa, mutta pilaako politiikka loppuvuoden tunnelmat? Nordea Varallisuudenhoidon strategit Lippo Suominen ja Antti Saari ruotivat syitä markkinoiden nousuun vielä 8,5 vuoden rallin jälkeenkin.

Saksan vaalit

Julkaistu 20.9.2017

Saksan vaalit by Nordea Markets

Economic Outlook - Robotit, tervetuloa!

Julkaistu 6.9.2017

Kuuntele Nordean Economic Outlook syksy 2017.


Julkaistu 1.9.2017

Osakkeilla on jo pitkä nousu takana, mutta edelleenkin osakeusko jatkuu vahvana. Onko siihen perusteita? Eikö politiikasta ole osakkeiden nousun hyydyttäjäksi? Sijoitususkoa luomassa Varallisuudenhoidon strategit Lippo Suominen ja Antti Saari.

Sijoituspodi – 2017 hyvät, pahat ja rumat

Julkaistu 30.6.2017

Norden Varallisuudenhoidon sijoitusstrategit Lippo Suominen ja Eemil Palmen pistävät vuoden 2017 ensimmäisen puolikkaan pakettiin. Mikä on ollut myönteistä, mikä on pettänyt ja mikä on yllättänyt? Ja jatkuvatko samat trendit vuoden toisella puolikkaalla?


Julkaistu 15.6.2017

Nordean kesä 2017 talousennuste

Sijoituspodi - Euroopan kasvukausi

Julkaistu 1.6.2017

Osakemarkkinoilla vetovastuu on monen vuoden Pohjois-Amerikan hallinnan jälkeen vaihtunut, kun Eurooppa ja Kehittyvät markkinat ovat siirtyneet tänä vuonna tuottokärkeen. Sijoitusstrategit Lippo Suominen ja Antti Saari käyvät läpi eri osakemarkkinoiden näkymiä ja tuottomahdollisuuksia.

Sijoituspodi - hyviä ja parempia uutisia?

Julkaistu 28.4.2017

Osakkeet ovat pysyneet keväällä nousussa ja nousun uskotaan jatkuvan edelleen. Vankka talous, vahvat tuloskasvu ja matalina pysyvät korot ohjaavat sijoitusvaroja osakkeisiin varsinkin, kun pelot politiikan saralla ovat helpottaneet.

Ranskan vaalit – paljon melua tyhjästä vai uuden eurokriisin siemen?

Julkaistu 25.4.2017

Nordean asiantuntijat Aki Kangasharju, Jan von Gerich ja Tuuli Koivu käyvät läpi Ranskan vaalien ensimmäisen kierroksen tuloksia sekä niiden talous- ja markkinavaikutuksia

Sijoituspodi – Kasvun kautta

Julkaistu 3.4.2017

Kahdeksan vuoden nousun ja viime kuukausien Trump-rallin jälkeen sijoittajien epäluulot pörssikursseja kohtaan ovat lisääntyneet. Sijoitusstrategit Lippo Suominen ja Antti Saari pohdiskelevat huhtikuun Sijoituspodissa, onko osakkeiden lisänousulle vielä tilaa.

Economic Outlook - Kaikki hyvin?

Julkaistu 28.3.2017

Aki Kangasharju ja Pasi Sorjonen keskustelevat Nordean Talousennusteesta.

Sijoituspodi – Nousussa Trumpista huolimatta vai Trumpista johtuen?

Julkaistu 2.3.2017

Osakemarkkinoiden viime kuukaudet ovat olleet sijoittajan juhlaa. Sijoitusstrategit Lippo Suominen ja Antti Saari pohdiskelevat maaliskuun Sijoituspodissa, mikä markkinoita on vetänyt nousuun ja joko tunnelmat ovat nousseet turhankin korkealle.

Trump ja osakkeet

Julkaistu 27.1.2017

Donald Trumpin valinnassa on yleisesti nähty vain huonoja puolia, mutta siitä huolimatta osakkeet ovat nousseet vahvasti vaalien jälkeen. Sijoitusstrategit Lippo Suominen ja Antti Saari keskustelevat siitä, mitä Wall Streetilla ajatellaan Trumpin vaikutuksesta osakemarkkinoihin.

Mitä vaikutuksia on Trumpin protektionistisella talouspolitiikalla?

Julkaistu 24.1.2017

Aki Kangasharju, Tuuli Koivu ja Janne Von Gerich keskustelevat mitä vaikutuksia Trumpin talouspolitiikalla saattaa olla. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

New York Special Edition 3/3 – Equities, sectors and regions

Julkaistu 20.1.2017

From Midtown Manhattan, Nordea’s Danish Chief Investment Strategist Bjarne Thomsen talks about our expectations to the equity markets and how President Trump may affect the future returns. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

New York Special Edition 2/3 – American economy, bonds vs. equities, Trump, Earnings season and Fed

Julkaistu 19.1.2017

From Midtown Manhattan, Nordea’s Chief Investment Strategist in Sweden Michael Levijn talks about our expectations to bonds and equites, and how Donald Trump, the upcoming earnings season and the american central bank may impact that. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

New York Special Edition 1/3 – corporate bonds and the Fund Manager Survey

Julkaistu 19.1.2017

From New York, Nordea’s Chief Investment Strategist in Norway Leif-Rune Rein talks about our expectations to corporate bonds and about the Fund Manager Survey. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Economic Outlook – Another brick in the wall

Julkaistu 8.12.2016

Nordean ekonomistit Tuuli Koivu ja Pasi Sorjonen keskustelevat Nordean uudesta talouskatsauksesta. He kertovat miten Suomen ja kansainvälinen talous on muuttunut ja aprikoivat mitä on odotettavissa vuonna 2017. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Tiedätkö mikä on Nordea Crowdfunding – palvelu?

Julkaistu 29.11.2016

Nordea avasi ensimmäisenä pankkina Suomessa osakepohjaisen joukkorahoituspalvelun. Nordea Crowdfunding on verkossa toimiva rahoitusta hakevan yrityksen ja sijoittajan kohtaamispaikka. Yritykselle se tarjoaa joustavan ja kevytrakenteisen rahoitusmallin ja sijoittajalle mahdollisuuden päästä mukaan kiinnostaviin suomalaisiin kasvutarinoihin. Sebastian Wikström ja Vesa Riihimäki kertovat palvelusta podcastissa. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Trump voitti vaalit - so what?

Julkaistu 9.11.2016

Aki Kangasharju ja Lippo Suominen keskustelevat vaalien tuloksesta ja sen vaikutuksista talouteen ja rahoitusmarkkinoihin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

USA:n vaalit lähestyvät. Miten käy?

Julkaistu 18.10.2016

Aki Kangasharju, Tuuli Koivu sekä Janne Von Gerich arvuuttelevat minkälainen vaalitulos mahtaa tulla ja miten se vaikuttaisi rahoitusmarkkinoihin sekä Suomen talouteen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one’s financial advisor.

Nordean Economic Outlook -Toivotaan Parasta

Julkaistu 6.9.2016

Nordean ekonomistit Aki Kangasharju ja Pasi Sorjonen käyvät läpi Nordean uuden talouskatsauksen.

Mitä tapahtui kesän aikana ja mitä odottaa loppuvuonna?

Julkaistu 11.8.2016

Mitä tapahtui rahoitusmarkkinoilla kesän aikana ja luodaaan katsaus myös tulevaan syksyyn ja loppuvuoteen. Keskustelemassa mukana tällä kertaa Aki Kangasharju, Pasi Sorjonen ja Kaj Paulamäki

Talouden ennustaminen: miksi se on niin vaikeaa?

Julkaistu 17.6.2016

Ekonomistimme Aki Kangasharju ja Pasi Sorjonen keskustelevat siitä, mitkä tekijät tekevät maailman ja Suomen talouden ennustamisesta vaikeaa. Mikä onkaan heidän tärkein työkalunsa ennustamisessa?

Podcast: everything you need to know about our 2016 risk management report

Julkaistu 2.6.2016

We spoke to Chief Adviser at Nordea Markets, Jari Liede for an overview of the top hedging trends large corporates are following today. Tune in now, and download the full report at:

Uusi Nordea Crowdfunding -joukkorahoituspalvelu pähkinänkuoressa

Julkaistu 25.5.2016

Mitä kaikkea Nordea Crowdfunding -joukkorahoituspalvelu pitää sisällään, ja miten sijoittajat ja rahoitusta hakevat yritykset pääsevät mukaan? Joukkorahoituspalvelun kehittäjä Sebastian Wikström kertoo tämänhetkisen aikataulun mukaan elokuussa lanseerattavasta palvelusta. Twitter @NordeaCF

Mitä inflaatio on ja miten sitä mitataan?

Julkaistu 2.5.2016

Miten inflaatio vaihtelee eri kotitalouksissa? Miten inflaatiota mitataan, ja mihin kaikkeen sitä oikein käytetään? Keskustelemassa ovat ekonomistimme Olli Kärkkäinen ja Pasi Sorjonen.

Ovatko kansainvälisen talouden näkymät muuttuneet, entä miltä näyttää Suomen talous?

Julkaistu 31.3.2016

Mitä kuuluu maailman taloudelle, ja minkälaiset ovat Suomen näkymät kansainvälisen kehityksen pohjalta? Entä mitä tämä kaikki tarkoittaa yksittäisen kotitalouden näkökulmasta? Ekonomistimme keskustelevat 16.3. julkaisemamme Economic Outlook -talousennusteen pohjalta.

Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan Nordea Marketsin podcasteja!

Julkaistu 30.3.2016

Tervetuloa Nordea Marketsin podcastien pariin. Lähetysten pääpuhujat esittäytyvät.

Takaisin podcastien listaan